Hello, world! This is Nour, a very geeky digital artist, and this is Opalettu, my internet studio? e-haven? very very professional website? IDK. All I know is that this is my “About Me” page.

Check out this fun thing I drew of my interests and hobbies, so you can get to know me a bit more (ugh, cringe, I know)

Click on the different elements of this image. They are what I am and what I want to be.

About Me, Nour. Interests and Hobbies.
A Professional Artist A Happy Pers... A Super Friend A Good TTRPG Player A Video Games Developer A Crafter & Trinkets Maker A Fantasy Cartographer A YouTuber & Content Creator A Great Minecraft Builder A Board Games Creator

A Professional Artist


I personally don't remember this, as I was 3 years old then, but my family told me that one day we were going to travel and we had to leave my grandparents' house to catch the flight, and I was standing there, hunched over a piece of paper like a goblin, with a pencil in hand, drawing an antique-looking telephone, and I refused to leave before I finish my masterpiece.

Fun fact, my mother told me that whenever she or anyone asked me "what do you wanna be when you grow up?", I always, without a fail, said "An artist!". They thought I'd grow out of it, but oops, here I am.

A Happy Pers...

ehm... *clears their throat and smiles awkwardly*

I just wish the world was better and happier, so I too can be better and happier, but, oh well.

I'm a neurodivergents, and that's okay, I just need to work on understanding myself more, understanding that I only live once and I need to make myself happy, work on what I love, be with whom I love, because this world is great at making you feel bad if you didn't live their version of the right life.

A Super Friend

I wanna be a friend of the whole wide world!

I mean, I know I am creating this space to share my own geeky and artsy journey, but I'd love to have you here with me.

This is a safe place for everyone. Geeks, nerds, artists, misfits, neurodivergents, all races, LGBT+, everyone... As long as you're nice and respectful, you're welcome here and I can't wait to talk and work with you <3

A Good TTRPG Player

D&D and TTRPGs in general are love, they are life, they are just *chef's kiss*

I've been playing D&D and TTRPGs for years, and I don't think I'll ever stop, you get to be who you want to be, you get to live more lives than you could ever live (cause we get only one), you get to make friends and spend time with them making fun memories. PLUS, dice, need I say more? I LOVE IT!

I would love to be a good and maybe even a well-known player at some big table one day. If there are any DMs streaming and want a player that really tries to include everyone at the table and that is really passionate about the game, hit me up *wink*

*continues to sing "DM's pet, I wanna be DM's pet"*

A Video Games Developer

I've been playing videos games since I was a baby, okay okay, maybe not a baby, but since I was like 3 or 4 years old.

I just love this medium, you can tell stories, you can forget about the world, you can live a whole other extra life, because let's face it, one life isn't enough, especially if it's in this dark world with all it's limitation. What do you mean I can't fly?!

Anyway, I would love to work on video games more, I did work with developers on making the environment for the characters to live in, so like houses, trees, streets, and so on, but I'd love to make my own game one day.

A Crafter & Trinkets Maker

Tiny things, like tiny action figures, compact doll houses, small mugs (and huge mugs), I just LOVE cute tiny things, and making them is such a zen thing for me. I love arts and crafts, like I always am creating something, a necklace for my mother, or a card for my friend, or a keychain for myself.

Too many mediums and materials? What do you mean? Polymer clay, paper, yarn, glitter, glue, ruler, pens, beads, shrink plastic, foam, glass, fabric, sticker paper and... Okay okay, I get it.

"I need to tidy up my room again, for the millionth time"

A Fantasy Cartographer

Drawing maps is fun, and I started doing this a couple of years ago, after I was playing D&D for a few years, freelancing, just for fun, and for my D&D group.

I worked with people on creating maps for their campaigns, their books, their novels, and D&D streams. I would love to create more worlds and cities, maybe even make some available for free? Yeah, maybe *wink wink*

Also, if you need a fantasy map maker, send me a message, we'll talk for sure.

A YouTuber & Content Creator

I just want to create stuff and share them with my online friends, if they happen to be a lot of friends, that's cool.

I started making and uploading videos, vlogs, short films (I wanted to be a film maker and an artist growing up) and other stuff on YouTube in 2008, then I stopped because of school, then came back in 2013, then stopped, and came back in 2018, then (you guessed it) I stopped.

Yeah, I want to make videos again. Just need to work on some stuff first.

A Great Minecraft Builder

Video games are amazing, and Minecraft is one that I just love so much.

I worked as a Minecraft builder for years, made A LOT of houses, bases, spawns, hubs, and builds in general. I'm a vanilla Java person, but I do appreciate other versions. There is something so satisfying in breaking this first middle block in this oak tree, yeah? Do not leave tree tops floating though, don't!

Do you want to work with me on a build? Send me a message and we'll talk.

A Board Games Creator

Did I tell you how much I love games? Video games, TTRPGs, board games, card games.

Oh, man! I love these so much, and I would absolutely love to create one or a million some day. I have started working on a board game but it's still in development and I am not sure when it'll be out, IF it'll be out someday. I hope so though.

I'd love to hear from you.

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